Our Mission

To Make and Mature Disciples to the Glory of God

The Great Commission drives our congregation. Making disciples was the mission of Christ, therefore, we feel compelled to make it our mission. Through various ministries of the church, we desire not only to introduce people to Christ but also, over time, to grow in their faith so that they live obediently to His commands and become conformed to his character.

Our Vision

A Place Where Hearts are Turned to God and Lives are Changed

The Northeast Church strives to be a family that lives out the "one another" passages of the Bible. Our desire is to show the love of Christ in everything that we do so that the world will know that we are His disciples by our love for each other.

Our Values

1. Expressive love toward God and others
2. Brotherhood and friendship
3. Radical, passionate discipleship toward Christ
4. Dynamic evangelism involving everyone
5. Planting churches in the community
6. Generosity toward God and mankind
7. Accepting, befriending and recovering sinners
8. Simple, Biblical Christianity
9. Sincerity and genuineness
10. Humble service
11. Development of leaders
12. Excellence in the things of God
13. Empowered disciples
14. Diversity
15. Family Values